Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wait a minute now

The Hives & The Rapture at Glass House, Pomona, CA

If you've been following my blog, you probably know by now that I'm a fan of The Hives.  And that the first time I saw them was back in 2004 when I was a naive little overworking assistant designer, and that I went to their show regardless of a horrible flu and high fever, and that I passed out in the lobby during the encore.  Then, I saw them several more times as years went on, in better physical conditions, and enjoyed dancing crazily, screaming, and singing along.  Just to fill you in.  In all honesty, I waited for The Hives to come back.  Years passed and I started to lose hope.  I was pretty sure I'd never see them again.  But, when their name appeared on the Coachella line up poster, you can imagine the level of my surprise and joy.  Thank goodness they played a small venue show in between the two Coachellas.  Even as I stood there and watched them, it all felt so surreal.  The new songs sound good as usual, and I cannot wait for the new album to come out.

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