The Hounds Below played a show at the Bootleg Theater last week. I went to see my friend Eric (guitarist for the Lashes), as he was touring with them playing organ. I hadn't seen him for several years. It was great to see him. Also, I honestly really enjoyed The Hounds Below. I love their music and their stage presence. It's been a while since I've felt so excited about a band, having seen so many. You definitely need to check them out. On a side note, this day, I almost went to go see the Drums since they were playing that same night, but I chose to go see the Hounds Below, and I am so glad I did. Not to mention, earlier that day driving home from work, I saw a rainbow. Good signs. Lovely night.
Sorry the picture qualities are not that great. It was really dark, I didn't want to use flash, I don't know how to control the ISO, my camera is not fancy.