Tuesday, February 19, 2013

But I'm still standing in the hurricane's eye and it's dancing to my song

I am so happy that I got to see my favorite band again.  I seriously realized that this band means so much to me, even more than I thought, or maybe, I was just reminded.  Not only do they sound great live, look great live, are energetic and amazing, but their songs really touch me.  Their albums helped me get through all the ridiculous, harsh, cruel parts that come with just trying to get somewhere in your career, working in the competitive fashion industry. They really do sing about it all.  They sing my anthems.  And so perfect to dance to.  Because what can you do but dance when things don't necessarily go the way you planned it and there's nothing you can do.  You realize all the better things in life, such as having the music of The Hives to fill your head and heart.  Then I get to experience their live show, dance with all the happy fans, mosh and jump around, until I'm drenched in sweat, dehydrated, and about to pass out.  Now that's a great show.  I hope they never stop making music.

The setlist can never be bad because I love all their albums, but they sang "Insane" at the end!  So good, it's kind of ridiculous how perfect they are.

You know what I realized?  My first Hives show, I didn't have a digital camera, I had a film camera.

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