Friday, May 27, 2011

Why does it get so lonely lonely

Hey, guys. The reason why I haven't been blogging is because I literally have not been going out. The past two months, I've been crazy busy at work. I even missed a gararge rock movie screening event which I rsvp'ed to because I got a last minute project and had to stay at work until 8pm. So, my nights and weekends were spent trying to stay healthy and not get sick from all this stress. I've gotten more white hairs and my skin is a mess right now, but I'm doing good. After being non-stop busy at work, I really want to make the most out of my Memorial Day weekend. The weather is amazing. However, please stop by again because I have a lot of shows planned ahead and lots of photos to come. Have a great weekend! It's the official non-official summer kick-off! And you know I love summer.